The LobbyHow do I get Frostbrood Proto-wyrm?

02.11.2022, 07:26 - LinnSse - Rank 1 - 3 Posts

If the mount available through the Frozen Lands Pass Deluxe Edition may have put some off for its rather sober and minimalist look, Blizzard hasn't said the last word. The publisher is offering its players a luxurious, original dragon Frost Lair in exchange for a brief stint in its MMORPG classic with an unexpected offer. And by "short" I mean very short stops, because at worst you need less than 2 hours to get Frostbrood Proto-wyrm!

To get the Frostbrood Proto-wyrm, all you need to do is log into Wrath of the Lich King Classic and complete the Death Knight intro quests there. While in the past you needed to have a level 55 character on the server to create a character embodying that class, in WotLK Classic, this limitation has been lifted! So you can connect to it, create a level 55 death knight, and then do your little intro scene to get your Frostbrood Proto-wyrm without any WLK Gold in advance!

WotLK Classic Death Knight's intro scene ends when you reach your faction's main capital (Stormwind or Orgrimmar), and your quest back there allows you to join the line:

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24.01.2023, 12:35 - annamichael - Rank 3 - 30 Posts

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