Delta Force Land WarriorSummer is ending...

07.09.2017, 15:01 - .Sk- - Rank 3 - 43 Posts
Ole sk gonna have time to pwn some n00bies soon. Be prepared, have your leadcatchers ready.


08.09.2017, 22:23 - øp^ Šhøgµñ - Rank 4 - 56 Posts
always have mines ready!


09.09.2017, 21:01 - .øp^ shearfear - Administrator - 101 Posts
Nice man, missed having you around lately! Belgium Zz is still playing btw, I had a few games with her earlier.
Looking forward to us all playing more often, missed those late evenings (late for me, atleast haha).


09.09.2017, 23:55 - øp^ Šhøgµñ - Rank 4 - 56 Posts
yeah, sorry i missed you earlier today was away from my computer. oh well, maybe next time lol


11.09.2017, 20:00 - .Sk- - Rank 3 - 43 Posts
I'll be on tonight! Posted a thing on FB so maybe we get some peeps. Effing join in n00bs!


11.09.2017, 20:25 - .øp^ shearfear - Administrator - 101 Posts
Okay buddy, I should be able to play in a bit!


12.09.2017, 23:54 - .Sk- - Rank 3 - 43 Posts
GG's tonight!!! Needed some of them OldSchool Games, been a while!


18.11.2024, 10:11 - genesis - Rank 4 - 88 Posts
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