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øp^ Šhøgµñ Clanmember
Rank 4
56 Posts
registered: 29.06.2016
17.07.2017, 02:29 offline quote 

Hell yeah it was awesome! DF2 knives are a bit tricky! i'd like to get on you and all those other players level tho! This week should be pretty laid back for me so ill be around to play. LMK on here or on FB if you want to play!

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
16.07.2017, 21:38 offline quote 

It was super fun in df2 today dude! Really enjoyed it, knifeball server is kinda addictive. You have picked up the skill of knifing fast, will only get better! Hopefully we get a few more games going throughout the week.

øp^ Šhøgµñ Clanmember
Rank 4
56 Posts
registered: 29.06.2016
16.07.2017, 02:48 offline quote 

so uh, i just downloaded DF2... opened it up and played for a bit on some mexican server. I must say it was interesting. I did some how win the death match game i played! the game is difficult yet so easy.. idk lol

bottom line is, if anyone ever wants to play some df2 lmk ill shoot a few pixels!

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