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written by .øp^ shearfear - 03.07.2021 - 12:52
Hi everyone, so I've not posted in many years but I have still been around in DFLW.
As the DFLW community knows I had been hosting 4 different servers in LW and also 2 more in DF2.
I've been hosting the game servers since early 2015, 24/7 in an OVH datacenter on my own private dedicated server which obviously incurred fees. I used that same dedi server to host a couple of other private things but it was predominantly for DFLW/DF2 use.

I've never asked for any money from the community, and I never would but to put things in to perspective this was my cost for you guys:

$93.08 (Monthly fee)
X 12 = $1,116.96
x 6 Years = $6701.76

Over the course of those 6 years I had taken many breaks, for months at a time, sometimes even a year. During that, I still paid and kept all the servers running and made sure everything was going smoothly.

I've now decided it's time to take all my servers offline and say goodbye to the community. I may possibly jump in from time to time but it won't be often at all. A few fellow members of this community are full of vindictiveness and hold grudges to somebody I hold close to my heart and the fact we cannot all simply play a game without drama and abuse of admin power to 'prove a point' is just ridiculous. The game is very very old now and will only keep declining in players as time goes on, eventually there will be no servers and it will officially be dead. We're now 4 servers less. I don't intend on hosting ever again but I enjoyed it whilst it lasted. I never abused my powers, I never spied on peoples chats in-game (via logging or live chat) whilst outside of the game via admin tools, and I certainly never went out of my way to continuously log and/or trace peoples IP addresses. For example, if 2 people are in a server with no other players and they want to have a private conversation (or think they are), that's not possible in 'popular' servers because invasive logging is in use and everything is and will be exposed. Unfortunately I've been witness to some of the back biting and back stabbing from such invasive spying and even with things outside of the game which are not said in game but in Teamspeak - especially to those who are 'best of friends'... the way 'they' talk about eachother when others are not around is quite shocking. Just remember people, be careful who you trust. Even if you've known them for decades. One thing I've learned is there are many 2faced people in DFLW unfortunately.

Luckily most people seem to be ok with me but then again I wonder if that's just because I've provided 'services' for many years. I wonder if that was also an act. Who knows.

Maybe I'll see some of you around in the future from time to time but for now. GG's.
[1168] comments, latest by Telegram views - 15.10.2024 - 16:21
Welcome mK & Zz
written by .øp^ shearfear - 11.04.2017 - 21:38
Hey all, this message is overdue as I didn't get around to posting it until now. Recently we have had 2 more players join the OnPoint-eSports DFLW team! Please welcome aboard USA mK and Belgium Zz (ZzexX - also uses a volume icon as name in-game lol).

USA mK / Thallium.mk used to play with prophet back in the day in -SoC- so they've known eachother for quite some time. Hes a decent player and looking forward to playing matches / scrims with us! Definitely a great addition to the team, hope you enjoy your stay here and looking forward to playing many games together! smile

Belgium Zz , me and Skorch have been trying for the last few weeks to get you to join us and it was always a "maybe, hmm, ill think about it" and so on response... but we finally convinced you!! We're so happy you joined us, enjoyed playing many games with you over the last months and appreciated you stepping up and filling in for us in a recent match when we was a player short. Another great addition to the team! You fit in really well with us guys, and get along with everyone. Watch out guys, she may be a girl but she's got a deadly aim when she's focused! A real good stock/stat player! Watch this space! Welcome aboard Zz! smiling

Please reply on the FORUM and make them feel welcome people, looking forward to future games.
See ya all soon! - sF
written by .øp^ shearfear - 01.04.2017 - 21:26
Squad match against USA .dk. / Deadly Killers on 01.04.2017

Result: 1:2 - LOSS for OnPoint
read more Map Scores

.øp^ team: .øp^ shearfear, .Sk-, alipalix, CbT, ZzexX.
.dk. team: os, 17, nub, 54, mush

read more Results Report (extended, with screenshots)

clanwar details
written by .øp^ shearfear - 19.03.2017 - 21:36
Squad match against USA [DBD] / Death Before Dishonour on 19.03.2017

Result: 551:285 - WIN for OnPoint
read more Map Scores

.øp^ team: .øp^ shearfear, .Sk-, >L.w.†.š.†p, Nayeli
[DBD] team: Warlord, Shogun, Lord Rahl, StraitArrow, MM-1

read more Results Report (extended, with screenshots)

clanwar details
written by .øp^ shearfear - 15.03.2017 - 03:21
Fantastic news guys!
Today we have two new additions to the team! First off we have USA .øp^ prophet hes a decent player, highly skilled and has a very similar play-style to other members of our team so will be a great additional gunner to the lineup! Hes a real oldschool type. We've played various games over the last few weeks and he seems like a really nice guy. His ex-teams are: Tk.-, SoC-. Welcome him aboard lads! Hes a fantastic addition to the team!

Secondly we have USA SideEffect hes only just today returned to DFLW after many years break! Let me tell you, it's not taken him long to get to grips with the game again! After a few maps he was already dominating. Watch this space, hes only just warming up! He was a big DFTFD player back in the day, but did also play DFLW. His ex teams are =DUB= The Dubies and ^FF^ Fear Factory. He loves CTF and Flagball, that's what he mainly played. He has kindly provided us with a bunch of maps for one of our servers so I've gone ahead and setup a CTF server for us! The maps look like they'll be a lot of fun to play! Medium / CQB gunner style maps. Thanks for that buddy! Welcome aboard SideEffect.

So that's it... the day is now over but what a great day it has been! 5 of us was online today playing and it was a blast! Real fun. Looking forward to the future of OnPoint! We're a very strong team.

Please welcome them both by replying in the forums: http://onpoint-esports...site=forum_topic&topic=19
written by .øp^ shearfear - 12.03.2017 - 21:40
Squad match against DBD / Death Before Dishonour on 12.03.2017

result: 3:0

.øp^ team: .øp^ shearfear, >L.w.†.š.†p
DBD team: Warlord, Shogun, Lord Rahl, StraitArrow

read more Results Report (extended, with screenshots)

clanwar details
New members
written by .øp^ shearfear - 08.03.2017 - 02:07
Well well well, what can I say!? We've got 2 new members in the .op^ dflw lineup!
I'm really happy with how things have been going lately, it's nice to see the server being so popular too! Things are looking good for op at this rate.

Please welcome USA .Sk- and USA alipalix to the team by posting in the forum: http://onpoint-esports...ex.php?site=forum&board=7
They are both great additions to the team! Our lineup is looking very strong now. There's another 1 or 2 people that I've got my eye on at the moment who I'd love to join us here at OnPoint. Watch this space!
written by .øp^ shearfear - 28.02.2017 - 02:01
Hey again!
I just wanted to let the daily visitors know I have created another website called DFStats.tk.
The reason why I have done this is because not many servers have online babstats for their players so I have now made a page that any DFLW server admin may connect to and upload stats. The good thing about this is the whole DFLW Community will have one place to go to where they can view all their stats from ALL servers. Usually each server would have their own stats but by giving the server admins access to my site, we can all upload and share our in-game kills/deaths/gun stats and so on and it will be in one easy to find place.

It's much better having stats from all servers rather than individual server stats... but that's my opinion.
I personally think this was a great idea and the domain name is very easy to remember, it doesn't have random sub-domain extensions so its nice and short.

To all the server admins out there please private message me: HERE asking for the babstats upload information for Lan Messenger.
I will respond to you shortly with the info you need, the sooner we get this done guys the better. I've mentioned it to a few players in-game and they all seemed happy about it!

See you soon guys!
Best of luck in-game.
.øp^ shèárfèár
DFLW Lobby Fix 2017
written by .øp^ shearfear - 26.02.2017 - 23:26
Hey all,
The last few days the Novaworld.cc alternative lobby has been offline. I'm sure it will come back sooner or later but luckily Scott over at NovaHQ has created another alternative lobby for the DF Community and is hosting it on the novahq site.

You will have 3 lobbies to choose from now when trying to join multiplayer, 1: Official Novaworld, 2: Novaworld.cc, 3: NovaHQ.
So whenever one goes down/offline simply join another one smiling You should have no problems getting online now!

I have put a download for the lobby fix in the dflw download section here: http://onpoint-esports...dex.php?site=files&file=8
I've also updated the DFLW full game download with the new lobby fix here: http://onpoint-esports...dex.php?site=files&file=7

Hope that helps anyone who couldn't get online lately!
Good luck and have fun. smilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmile
Inactive lately.
written by .øp^ shearfear - 22.08.2016 - 13:37
What's up guys, I just wanted to write an apology to you all regarding my recent absence from DFLW.
I've been very busy over the last month or two and did not have many opportunities to come online to have games with you all.
I now currently have family members staying at my home for a holiday, so I will still be a bit busy but I should be able to come online more often in the evenings now! So that's some good news atleast. I do miss playing with you all, but you know how it is... sometimes life just gets in the way.

Also to any people out there interested in joining OP, feel free to post in the forums or fill out the Join-Us form. I am aware that some people have been interested in joining so just to let you know the clan/squad isn't dead! I personally have just been very busy and not been around lately, we are still looking for new members smiling

Hope to see you all on the battlefield when I get some free time, as usual I will be in the Outlaws server.

Have a great day!
Chris. (shearfear)

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A short list of recent clan wars we've had.

OnPoint DFLW vs. .dk.
OnPoint DFLW vs. [DBD]
OnPoint DFLW vs. DBD

Our Squads

Here is a list consisting of our current squads.

OnPoint DFLW
OnPoint DF2


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