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.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
15.03.2017, 03:37 offline quote 

Fantastic news guys!
Today we have two new additions to the team! First off we have USA .øp^ prophet hes a decent player, highly skilled and has a very similar play-style to other members of our team so will be a great additional gunner to the lineup! Hes a real oldschool type. We've played various games over the last few weeks and he seems like a really nice guy. His ex-teams are: Tk.-, SoC-. Welcome him aboard lads! Hes a fantastic addition to the team!

Secondly we have USA SideEffect hes only just today returned to DFLW after many years break! Let me tell you, it's not taken him long to get to grips with the game again! After a few maps he was already dominating. Watch this space, hes only just warming up! He was a big DFTFD player back in the day, but did also play DFLW. His ex teams are =DUB= The Dubies and ^FF^ Fear Factory. He loves CTF and Flagball, that's what he mainly played. He has kindly provided us with a bunch of maps for one of our servers so I've gone ahead and setup a CTF server for us! The maps look like they'll be a lot of fun to play! Medium / CQB gunner style maps. Thanks for that buddy! Welcome aboard SideEffect.

So that's it... the day is now over but what a great day it has been! 5 of us was online today playing and it was a blast! Real fun. Looking forward to the future of OnPoint! We're a very strong team.

Please comment below welcoming them both to the OnPoint squad smilesmile

.Sk- Clanmember
Rank 3
43 Posts
registered: 03.03.2017
15.03.2017, 05:46 offline quote 

Welcome m8s. Good gaming tonight! Seems like op could also stand for "old pros" lol.

.øp^ prophet Clanmember
Rank 2
10 Posts
registered: 14.03.2017
16.03.2017, 17:08 offline quote 

Thanks! I can do gunner well, but my passion was medic. I was on the top50 leaderboard for medic at one time before I left. Wish it was still up. I'll slowly get that back, I think!

SideEffect Clanmember
Rank 1
1 Posts
registered: 15.03.2017
16.03.2017, 22:10 offline quote 

Thanks for the warm welcome guys glad to be here!!! See ya on the battlefield!

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