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Guest is watching a profile
Guest is reading the guestbook
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the guestbook
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is watching the registered users
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the guestbook
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is watching a profile
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum
Guest is reading the forum


Nickname: contact information: Last action: Date:
not available Winona was reading the forum 14.02.2025 - 06:06
not available wintips123 was reading the forum 14.02.2025 - 02:30
not available jackwi was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 22:28
not available Anaana was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 20:54
not available aniaqueen232 was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 20:30
not available marek445 was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 18:47
not available Pure Terminal was watching his messenger 13.02.2025 - 18:02
not available Jack Box was watching the loginoverview 13.02.2025 - 17:08
not available jeezytech was watching the forums 13.02.2025 - 17:03
United Kingdom AshleyArchie was watching a profile 13.02.2025 - 16:58
not available dedabi1112 was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 16:35
USA Jacksmith65 was watching a profile 13.02.2025 - 15:58
not available Trevor was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 15:52
not available dannymikus was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 15:48
not available little_15 was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 14:25
not available trossard was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 14:10
not available Sumathi was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 14:05
not available tractorgyan21 was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 13:43
not available ganor20200 was watching the news 13.02.2025 - 13:03
not available PERAAN was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 13:01
not available glenn was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 12:23
not available krisha was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 12:16
Vietnam jayvee was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 12:15
India Mishi was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 11:03
not available andyyyyyyy was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 10:49
not available mia cara was editing his profile 13.02.2025 - 10:49
India bhubaneswarcallgirls was watching a profile 13.02.2025 - 10:42
not available Sophiecarter was watching the forums 13.02.2025 - 10:38
not available johnein was reading the forum 13.02.2025 - 09:28
India Scott hanna was watching a profile 13.02.2025 - 09:19
India iteducation92 was watching a profile 13.02.2025 - 09:01
Virgin Islands (USA) Damson Pharmacy was watching the news 13.02.2025 - 07:14

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A short list of recent clan wars we've had.

OnPoint DFLW vs. .dk.
OnPoint DFLW vs. [DBD]
OnPoint DFLW vs. DBD

Our Squads

Here is a list consisting of our current squads.

OnPoint DFLW
OnPoint DF2


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