Welcome to OnPoint-eSports
Gaming clan since 2015
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  • Personal Info
Nickname: xplayio
Status: offline
Usertitle: Rank 1
Contact: n/a
Homepage: http://https://www.xplayio.com
Real Name: xplay io
Gender: not available
Age: 30.11.-0001 (0 years)
Location: India sikar
Registered since: 31.05.2024 - 13:19
Last Login: 31.05.2024 - 13:26

  • About
Your standard xplayio games will be on disk, or UMD as they are called. When you download games for your xplayio, they will go directly to the memory stick/card. . xplayio owners usually have to get the biggest and best card within their budget. It's no longer difficult to find good deals on 2 or 4 gig models on eBay and Amazon. After you receive your memory card, you must format it before you can use it. This clears the card and is an important step, so don't skip it.

  • The Steam-Community

  • Clan / Equipment
Clan: n/a
(HP: n/a)
Irc-Channel: n/a
Clan-History: n/a
CPU: n/a
Mainboard: n/a
RAM: n/a
Monitor: n/a
Graphics card: n/a
Soundcard: n/a
I-Connection: n/a
Keyboard: n/a
Mouse: n/a
Mousepad: n/a
  • Userpic:

  • Latest Visitors    (0)
no visits

  • Statistics
Forumtopics: 0
Newsposts: 0
Newscomments: 0
Forumposts: 0
Clanwarcomments: 0
Articlecomments: 0
Democomments: 0
Messenger (incoming): 0
Messenger (outgoing): 0

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A short list of recent clan wars we've had.

OnPoint DFLW vs. .dk.
OnPoint DFLW vs. [DBD]
OnPoint DFLW vs. DBD

Our Squads

Here is a list consisting of our current squads.

OnPoint DFLW
OnPoint DF2


A list of our website stats.

450 Visitors (Today)
2169 Visitors (Yesterday)
35933 Visitors (Month)
1830640 Total visits
2767 Registered users
0 Users online
21 Guests online
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