Welcome to OnPoint-eSports
Gaming clan since 2015
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  • Personal Info
Nickname: wealddown
Status: offline
Usertitle: Rank 1
Contact: n/a
Homepage: http://www.wealddown.co.uk/commercial/venue-hire/
Real Name: Weald Downland
Gender: not available
Age: 04.04.1994 (30 years)
Location: United Kingdom Chichester
Registered since: 27.07.2024 - 06:40
Last Login: 27.07.2024 - 06:43

  • About
Searching for a family-friendly historical destination in Sussex and its surroundings? The Weald & Downland Living private venue hire chichester stands out as an excellent choice for courses chichester. Particularly ideal for families seeking educational experiences, arts and crafts courses near me, museum conservation courses offers a chance for children to delve into history and learn through exploration. By immersing themselves in the museum's interactive exhibits, kids can grasp the essence of rural life spanning a millennium. If you're keen on enriching your family tour with insights into historical living from over 1000 years ago, The venue hire chichester fits the bill perfectly.

  • The Steam-Community

  • Clan / Equipment
Clan: n/a
(HP: n/a)
Irc-Channel: n/a
Clan-History: n/a
CPU: n/a
Mainboard: n/a
RAM: n/a
Monitor: n/a
Graphics card: n/a
Soundcard: n/a
I-Connection: n/a
Keyboard: n/a
Mouse: n/a
Mousepad: n/a
  • Userpic:

  • Latest Visitors    (0)
no visits

  • Statistics
Forumtopics: 0
Newsposts: 0
Newscomments: 0
Forumposts: 0
Clanwarcomments: 0
Articlecomments: 0
Democomments: 0
Messenger (incoming): 0
Messenger (outgoing): 0

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A short list of recent clan wars we've had.

OnPoint DFLW vs. .dk.
OnPoint DFLW vs. [DBD]
OnPoint DFLW vs. DBD

Our Squads

Here is a list consisting of our current squads.

OnPoint DFLW
OnPoint DF2


A list of our website stats.

410 Visitors (Today)
1334 Visitors (Yesterday)
12119 Visitors (Month)
1740185 Total visits
2492 Registered users
0 Users online
26 Guests online
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