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registered: 09.07.2023
09.07.2023, 05:54 offline quote 

terrific first season with the Cleveland Cavaliers got even better on Tuesday night when he made history with his fourth consecutive 40-point Mike Soroka Jersey game in the team's 117-113 win over the Orlando Magic. Mitchell finished with 43 points, five rebounds and four a sists on 15 of 23 from the field.As he's done so often throughout his career and this season, Mitchell did some of his best work late in the game to ensure that the Cavs came away victorious. With just under three minutes to play, and the Cavs clinging to a two-point lead, Mitchell hit back-to-back jumpers to push their advantage to six. Then, in the closing seconds, he hit two clutch free throws to ice the game. All told, he had 12 of his 43 points in the final frame. Mitchell is now Brian McCann Jersey the 11th player in history to have a 40-point streak of at least four games, and the first to do so since James Harden in the 2018-19 season. The longest such streak belongs to Wilt Chamberlain Josh Tomlin Jersey at 14 games, per Stathead. Even more remarkable is that Chamberlain actually had two different 40-point streaks of 14 games, and they both came during his historic 1961-62 season when he averaged 50.4 points per game. A few more ridiculous Chamberlain notes while we're here. He also owns the only other double-digit 40-point streak -- 10 games in the 1962-63 season when he only managed 44.8 points per game -- and he had 11 40-point streaks of at least five games; every other player in NBA history combined has eight such streaks.The Cavaliers only have two more games remaining in the regular season Hank Aaron Jersey , so Mitchell won't be challenging Chamberlain's record any time soon. In any case, he has bigger goals ahead as he leads the Cavaliers back to the playoffs for the first time since 2018, and the first time without LeBron James since Shane Greene Jersey 1998. With the win over the Magic, the Cavs have won six of their last eight to reach 50 wins for the first time since 2018 and have clinched a top-four seed in the Eastern Conference. Click here Click here Click here

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