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Files » Delta Force 2 » DF2 Player Name & Macro Editor
Player name, macro and game settings editor for DF2. This editor will also allow you to use the special magazine character in the game without having to know the key combination. Your game does not have to be in the static known locations or installed with the correct registry settings for this editor to work. It will work with multiple DF2 locations. It can also set your game resolution to levels that aren't available in the game menu.

Requires at least the .NET Framework v2.0 which pretty much everyone should have by now.
** Player name tool made by Scott Lucht @ NovaHQ.net **
Uploaded on: 28.05.2016
Uploader: United Kingdom .øp^ shearfear
Downloads: 976 x
SIZE: 64.67 kB
(0 / 10, unrated)
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OnPoint DFLW vs. .dk.
OnPoint DFLW vs. [DBD]
OnPoint DFLW vs. DBD

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