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.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
07.06.2016, 21:08 offline quote 

It's great news knowing the community has a dedicated day where they all get together. I just wish I come back to Delta Force a few years ago now, and didn't leave it until 2016 to think "hmm, maybe I should see if people are still playing DF".

I will definitely be turning up on the Sunday meets from now on, as long as I'm home I'll make sure of it! smile

kensta Clanmember
Rank 1
2 Posts
registered: 30.05.2016
07.06.2016, 19:58 offline quote 

Delta force 1 is the original Delta force! of the series and YES we still play it online we actually meet up every sunday for a FULL 16player slot game! no prob if the game is full u can either wait to join or just join the backup server there is a couple or a few people working on the 20player patch at the momment , I have been playing just over 1yr now and its been a blast and still is mainly thanks to Educardo aka Hunters *A* for getting everyone together for so long at first i think it was just the Brazilians but now we have a active community which consists of EUR,USA,BRA and some other countrys its wonderfull we have scott also who is Panther owner of Nova-hq.net and all the other oldskool people with some normal people like myself :P
.. o on another note "bhd" .. someone has just brought a whole new map series out (delta force 1 maps ) !! link to come soon ! also i will be editing this post once i remember who brought it out etc..
Day : Every Sunday
Time : 7/8 to 9-10 GMT
Gametype - Changes every other week if not every week.
Players 16 - soon up to 20 we hope wink

We also have a few members of the Delta force community who record to youtube so dont be shy to google or youtube df1/2/3 or whatever game u loved bk in the day its the easiest way to get hooked and to see whos playing i would say without making any contact with anyone LOL ! :P ..

Hope to see u sundays ..dont be a stranger.

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