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.øp^ prophet Clanmember
Rank 2
10 Posts
registered: 14.03.2017
11.04.2017, 21:04 offline quote 

Rahl, my laptop has been in the repair shop so I've haven't been on lately. Itching to get back.

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
11.04.2017, 20:27 offline quote 

Going very off-topic here lol, and I don't think this is the same Dk from DF1 m8, pretty sure they was dflw only? So you're getting them mixed up with the other Dk team. There was also another Dk team in DF2 as I was with them for about a year I think back in the day and again, that was different guys. smiling

but anyway if you want to arrange a match with them, feel free to post a link to your forum for them to send a challenge via private message to Dk.OS you can pm him here: http://onpoint-esports...tion=touser&touser=39

That way you can arrange it on your forum with warlord and the guys, so we don't all get confused here with whats going on lol tongue

Rank 3
44 Posts
registered: 20.03.2017
11.04.2017, 12:33 offline quote 

JGP and Boka were playing in outlaws. then me and Boka got into an argument on what the MAG shoots. i knew it was .308 aka7.62X51MM ammo he thought it was .50cal for some reason. let it be known i was right it is .308. and im going to be getting a real M40 soon which is a RemingtonM700 .308 and of course i'll get the right scope for it. hey are you on. its six here should be close to noon there. oops srry partner im getting off track again

Rank 3
44 Posts
registered: 20.03.2017
11.04.2017, 06:54 offline quote 

and arranging a match between dbd and dk isnt up to me unless im in a server with them and either the dk operative or me brings it up. aint that right? i think? and their DF1 players too arent they? i could defeat them myself there. Df1 has its own set of "haxx" i think is what they call it and i know them all

Rank 3
44 Posts
registered: 20.03.2017
11.04.2017, 06:48 offline quote 

you see? this is why FB s a good thing to have though i dont have anyone from DFLW on it anyway

Rank 3
44 Posts
registered: 20.03.2017
11.04.2017, 06:46 offline quote 

Hey Chris, Mike again, im glad no one took too much offense to that i was drunk when i wrote it so honestly ive been trying to avoid but figured what the heck might as well check. which turned out ok i guess. heck dude what time do you usually play your time because i could make sure im on.

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
10.04.2017, 22:17 offline quote 

Hey dude, we have still been playing together but it seems just at very random times lately. I myself have been busy yes but i try to be online late evening my time if people are online but usually the servers are empty when I check. DFLW doesn't seem very active lately tho not sure why! Definitely feels like its a bit less active.

You should try to arrange a match between dk and dbd tho, I'm sure they'd be up for it. Would be nice for you to play against a different team.

Rank 3
44 Posts
registered: 20.03.2017
08.04.2017, 09:54 offline quote 

hey i hope im not steppin over any heads by wondering when you guys might like to play us again. dk.os might offer a bigger challenge but i think i can speak for myself at least when i say id like to play with some of you again. just hoping you havent forgotten about us is all i know youve had a hectic couple weeks( saw your posts) but at the same time i havent seen any op online lately was just wondering how youre all doing.

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
24.03.2017, 21:05 offline quote 

I'm going to put the ctf server back as I've had a few messages about it. It will be recoil etc off again, I do personally prefer it on as well as a few others but I know alot of people out there still like to play with it off so at-least you'll have 2 servers to choose from again.

Are you free 8pm on Sunday 2nd April for a match op?

I'm gonna be real busy next week from sunday morning onwards for a solid week or so. My family need to head off to London for a week so I'm stuck here alone sorting all the horses out and keeping things going on the farm. Not going to have much spare time at-all. If things change and some of them stay behind with me, I'll let you know and update ya. Definitely gonna be a hectic week tho.

Rank 3
44 Posts
registered: 20.03.2017
23.03.2017, 22:35 offline quote 

toady and a few others were wondering if you could turn the recoil and scope drift off on the tkoth server

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