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.Sk- Clanmember
Rank 3
43 Posts
registered: 03.03.2017
07.09.2017, 15:01 offline quote 

Ole sk gonna have time to pwn some n00bies soon. Be prepared, have your leadcatchers ready.

øp^ Šhøgµñ Clanmember
Rank 4
56 Posts
registered: 29.06.2016
08.09.2017, 22:23 offline quote 

always have mines ready!

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
09.09.2017, 21:01 offline quote 

Nice man, missed having you around lately! Belgium Zz is still playing btw, I had a few games with her earlier.
Looking forward to us all playing more often, missed those late evenings (late for me, atleast haha).

øp^ Šhøgµñ Clanmember
Rank 4
56 Posts
registered: 29.06.2016
09.09.2017, 23:55 offline quote 

yeah, sorry i missed you earlier today was away from my computer. oh well, maybe next time lol

.Sk- Clanmember
Rank 3
43 Posts
registered: 03.03.2017
11.09.2017, 20:00 offline quote 

I'll be on tonight! Posted a thing on FB so maybe we get some peeps. Effing join in n00bs!

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
11.09.2017, 20:25 offline quote 

Okay buddy, I should be able to play in a bit!

.Sk- Clanmember
Rank 3
43 Posts
registered: 03.03.2017
12.09.2017, 23:54 offline quote 

GG's tonight!!! Needed some of them OldSchool Games, been a while!

Rank 4
79 Posts
registered: 25.07.2024
18.11.2024, 10:11 offline quote 

As the summer season comes to an end, it is a good time for men to check on their health. If low energy or mood swings have made the season less enjoyable, low testosterone may be the culprit. Oral testosterone treatment can help restore balance and boost vitality, so you are ready to enjoy the colder months ahead. https://www.rethinktes...one.com/blog/fitness-tips

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