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.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
14.03.2017, 20:08 offline quote 

Sup lads, I've posted a re-match on the DBD forums. Hopefully this time we will have more players attend.

It's scheduled for this Sunday (19th March) at 8pm GMT / 4pm EST / 2pm CST / 1pm PST / 2pm MDT / 9pm CET.
Definitely playing: United Kingdom .øp^ shearfear , USA .Sk- , Netherlands >L.w.†.š.†p , Netherlands Nayeli , alipalix
Potentially: .øp^ prophet

Map cycle will be novaworld stat maps, TDM. The more players we can get... the better guys. 5v5/6v6 would be awesome!
If any one has updates to whether they can play or cannot then please reply below so I can inform DBD.

Prophet if you are around on Sunday at these times, you are more than welcome to play and would be a great addition. Let us know below.

I will post here with server details (password, side to join etc.) nearer the time.

Thanks all!

Rank 1
8 Posts
registered: 25.09.2016
15.03.2017, 10:47 offline quote 

Hey OP! I can CONFIRM that DBD will be playing again this Sunday at the arranged time smiling I can field 4 members again and hopefully more but i am waiting for more responses smiling

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
16.03.2017, 01:46 offline quote 

Sounds good warlord! We definitely have 4 now, and possibly 5/6 - will find out by saturday night and confirm. If we are too many players for you in the end, I'm sure one of us can drop out. Did you want TDM again? Anything is fine with us.

Rank 1
8 Posts
registered: 25.09.2016
16.03.2017, 09:31 offline quote 

Great stuff! Yes please same rules as before smiling I've got 4/5 players at the moment!

.Sk- Clanmember
Rank 3
43 Posts
registered: 03.03.2017
18.03.2017, 15:12 offline quote 

I will be there!

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
18.03.2017, 17:07 offline quote 

That's great Skorch! Glad you can make it dude. I just noticed a mistake lol I had Friday 19th in the title instead of Sunday 19th lol no idea how I made that mistake but luckily nobody noticed. You guys knew it was tomorrow (Sunday) anyway, I just fixed it in case.

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
19.03.2017, 18:42 offline quote 

Sup guys, just wanted to let you know the server is up and running in the Password Games lobby the same as last time. Password is: opvsdbd
Join the server as you normally will then you'll be prompted for a password, enter it there and then select team: Blue.

Goodluck & Have Fun!!

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
19.03.2017, 21:51 offline quote 

Great game guys, thanks to everyone who turned up!!
Full match details are here including screenshots: http://onpoint-esports...anwars_details&cwID=5
Well done team, well done.

Rank 1
8 Posts
registered: 25.09.2016
20.03.2017, 15:50 offline quote 

Awesome games and a nice write up too. Thank you for hosting it all. We'd love to have another match sometime smiling weekend after next?

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
21.03.2017, 18:35 offline quote 

We've got a match scheduled for weekend after next on Saturday but I don't think I'll be around on Sunday. Would like to play again but definitely a different game type maybe tkoth or fb something like that.

I've uploaded gameplay from all 3 maps of our last match privately on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/6JuPq0zAoy8

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