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.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
11.04.2017, 20:27 offline quote 

Going very off-topic here lol, and I don't think this is the same Dk from DF1 m8, pretty sure they was dflw only? So you're getting them mixed up with the other Dk team. There was also another Dk team in DF2 as I was with them for about a year I think back in the day and again, that was different guys. smiling

but anyway if you want to arrange a match with them, feel free to post a link to your forum for them to send a challenge via private message to Dk.OS you can pm him here: http://onpoint-esports...tion=touser&touser=39

That way you can arrange it on your forum with warlord and the guys, so we don't all get confused here with whats going on lol tongue

.øp^ prophet Clanmember
Rank 2
10 Posts
registered: 14.03.2017
11.04.2017, 21:04 offline quote 

Rahl, my laptop has been in the repair shop so I've haven't been on lately. Itching to get back.

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