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Rank 3
44 Posts
registered: 20.03.2017
20.03.2017, 21:19 offline quote 

hey let me know when you get DF2 game going if you do id like to play there sometime

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
20.03.2017, 22:43 offline quote 

I can't play right now but there seems to be 8 people online in the "FASTLANE" flagball server join asap smile

Rank 3
44 Posts
registered: 20.03.2017
21.03.2017, 02:53 offline quote 

well i didnt mean right now but whenever

.øp^ prophet Clanmember
Rank 2
10 Posts
registered: 14.03.2017
21.03.2017, 13:19 offline quote 

I play every once in a while. DF2 just doesn't compare to DFLW to me, though. It's really hard to see anyone in 2 for me. The hit detection is amazing, though.

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
21.03.2017, 18:31 offline quote 

Yeah the hit detection and general gameplay is fantastic in my opinion. It feels a lot faster in a way not sure how to explain it. There are visual glitches, however. Buildings flickering and what not occasionally. I really do love df2 tho it's by far my favourite of the DF series. The m4 hill fights was the shiiii back in the day. Definitely harder to spot people compared to dflw but that makes it just that bit better for me.

I'd love to get a match going on df2 but can't see that ever happening haha

Rank 3
44 Posts
registered: 20.03.2017
21.03.2017, 20:34 offline quote 

oh well from how you talk on DFLW it sounded like you play there all the time. i guess i was wrong. np i can just play by myself since no one else is ever there when i check.

.øp^ shearfear Clanmember
101 Posts
registered: 25.05.2016
21.03.2017, 20:41 offline quote 

Nah I don't play there all the time unfortunately, but I did play there for about 12-13 years!
Check this link to see when people are online: http://nw.novahq.net/df2 currently 8 online! and I'm definitely gonna join now. If you are still here, come along dude.

Rank 3
44 Posts
registered: 20.03.2017
21.03.2017, 21:26 offline quote 

oh im brewing beer right now. will be around this same time tomorrow too. but i'll be done soon about 90 mins. i'll check then. oh if you want to see the brewing stuff i put some on our site. The Pub section

Rank 3
44 Posts
registered: 20.03.2017
21.03.2017, 23:18 offline quote 

there done with brewing.

Rank 3
43 Posts
registered: 12.06.2023
03.07.2023, 10:30 offline quote 

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