Welcome to OnPoint-eSports
Gaming clan since 2015
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New members
written by .øp^ shearfear - 08.03.2017 - 02:07
Well well well, what can I say!? We've got 2 new members in the .op^ dflw lineup!
I'm really happy with how things have been going lately, it's nice to see the server being so popular too! Things are looking good for op at this rate.

Please welcome USA .Sk- and USA alipalix to the team by posting in the forum: http://onpoint-esports...ex.php?site=forum&board=7
They are both great additions to the team! Our lineup is looking very strong now. There's another 1 or 2 people that I've got my eye on at the moment who I'd love to join us here at OnPoint. Watch this space!

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A short list of recent clan wars we've had.

OnPoint DFLW vs. .dk.
OnPoint DFLW vs. [DBD]
OnPoint DFLW vs. DBD

Our Squads

Here is a list consisting of our current squads.

OnPoint DFLW
OnPoint DF2


A list of our website stats.

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2745 Visitors (Yesterday)
52720 Visitors (Month)
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3623 Registered users
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