Welcome to OnPoint-eSports
Gaming clan since 2015
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Website finished!
written by .øp^ shearfear - 30.05.2016 - 16:04
Hey all,
This is just an update really, I wanted to let you know I've finished the website now.
Things are looking good on this side of the clan, now it's just time to get some players to join the team!
Applications are now open, please use the Join OnPoint link or post in the Forums with your request.
Just include a brief description of yourself/history and we will take things from there. smile

In a few days time I will set up 24/7 servers in both DF2 & DFLW, so please keep an eye out in the lobby! Server names will most likely just be "OnPoint-eSports" df2 server will be TDM/Flagball and TKOTH in dflw.
Have a nice evening!
- Chris (shearfear/vexed)

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A short list of recent clan wars we've had.

OnPoint DFLW vs. .dk.
OnPoint DFLW vs. [DBD]
OnPoint DFLW vs. DBD

Our Squads

Here is a list consisting of our current squads.

OnPoint DFLW
OnPoint DF2


A list of our website stats.

328 Visitors (Today)
3446 Visitors (Yesterday)
71974 Visitors (Month)
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2188 Registered users
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