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04.04.17 02:22
April 16th

17712 views - 7 replays
11.03.17 14:12
Hey guys

12187 views - 7 replays
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07.04.17 02:19
April 16th
I'm enjoying this idea. However, it would probably work best on the weekends. Since this isn't...
04.04.17 05:42
April 16th
Shit I completely forgot that it was Easter. Lol
04.04.17 02:22
April 16th
Well, my guys are itching to go again. Lol. How does a stock tdm match sound on April 16th?...
01.04.17 03:58
OnPoint vs DK - April 1st.
I'm good with swapping out equinox with Kings. Also, dont mind you guys having a Merc. Would...
31.03.17 01:14
OnPoint vs DK - April 1st.
That works for me.

And yea, it's not an updated list, but most of us played through late 2009.
30.03.17 05:40
OnPoint vs DK - April 1st.
We where thinking the same. I just haven't had any response to what the maps are gonna be....
25.03.17 05:32
OnPoint vs DK - April 1st.
We have 5 that have given the yes.

Our line up:
25.03.17 12:01
OnPoint vs DK - April 1st.
We've got 6 players. We're thinking dune city for our choice on map, and then either the night...
19.03.17 03:01
Hey guys
We are as well. It's looking like we have 6 guys.

Oneil would like to change it to stock...
19.03.17 02:59
OnPoint vs DK - April 1st.
We don't honestly have a website. Lol. Our forums from back when are still up, which can be...

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A short list of recent clan wars we've had.

OnPoint DFLW vs. .dk.
OnPoint DFLW vs. [DBD]
OnPoint DFLW vs. DBD

Our Squads

Here is a list consisting of our current squads.

OnPoint DFLW
OnPoint DF2


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